Drawing from the latest research and industry best practices, Gatewood/Feild/Barrick's HUMAN RESOURCE SELECTION, 8E teaches you step-by-step how to develop and implement effective selection programs within your company or organization. Extremely reader friendly, the book is packed with real-world examples and explains even advanced topics in easy-to-understand language. It details the most important legal, global, and ethical concerns; psychometric measurement concepts; job analysis; predictors of job performance; and criteria measures. It also includes new coverage of social media and the selection process, job performance and analysis, simulation testing, testing for counterproductive work behaviors, and much more.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version. This product is included in a Cengage Unlimited subscription. Subscribe to Cengage Unlimited for all your Cengage access codes on platforms like MindTap and WebAssign plus the online version of your textbook for one price per semester.